Jan 11, 2013

two thousand thirteen

Apparently in two thousand twelve, doomsday doesn't happen, so my life still continues as it is. Many things happened in the past year, and I'm going to say that two thousand twelve is such an active year for a lazy me as I had a lot of things to be done. I'm not as ignorant as before concerning my study in law school even though the grades I received is still a bit below my peers—obviously not something I'm proud of, I signed in for a profesional cooking course for a month and a half, I renewed my contract at Wallstreet Institute and I'm currently in the last level already, I made some new friends and acquaintances. Some of you may think that this isn't such a great achievement, but believe me, for me it is. I was even lazier and more unsocial before.

The only thing I regret not doing it that much in two thousand twelve is to finish the books I've piled up since the year before it, and adding some books into that pile of haven't-read-yet-but-i-own-it books. Shame on me.

Now, how about two thousand and thirteen?

Honestly, no idea, but I'd like to keep myself busy as much as I can. Not too busy (because I don't like the stress it'd cause), but busy enough to make me stay away from boredom.

p.s. Anyway, as I write this I chat via messenger with a close friend of mine, and she said that the thing I wrote on our chat is almost a haiku:
"im bored
and i need to sleep
but am not sleepy"
Believe me, that happens most of the time, and I bet this kind of situation will happen in two thousand thirteen as often as it was in two thousand twelve.

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